Membership Info - Contact Joe Sarafini (815) 275-8737 or Terry Anderson (815) 566-7977

Monday, December 7, 2015



September 2015 - Meeting Minutes (09/08/15 & 09/22/15)



Guests/Program:  Lion Richard Montgomery introduced Larry Williams, CEO of Freeport Housing Authority.  He has served on their board of directors for 5 years and 2 years as chairperson.  Philosophy: Provide a Hand Up, Not a Hand Out."  He was appointed by former Mayor George Gaulrapp in 2009.  Prior to him accepting this position, there had been a lot of turnover and poor public perception. He developed and started the Workforce Development Institute and he was awarded an honorary Doctorate Degree. There are 446 units in the Housing Authority and Larry has 17 employees.  Applicants goes through a background check and pays rent based on 30% of their income.  They have a zero Drugs and Violence policy.  Great program, thanks Lion Rich!


For booking future Guest Speakers, Club President Bert Kersten passed around a signup sheet for the entire year. Members who volunteered to bring guest speakers were: October - Terry Anderson; November - Sandy Janicke; January - Joe Serafini.


Communications: Lion Duane (Ruth) Smith just celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary, congratulations on reaching this milestone! Lion Bert (Linda) Kersten will celebrate their anniversary the end of September - how many years?  Lion Pat (Carlotta) Davis will celebrate their 37th Wedding Anniversary 9/27.  Congratulations to both of you.  Lion Brian Burke says he is celebrating as it has been one year since his kidney transplant and for the most part he has been doing fine!  We certainly want to celebrate that milestone too!  Happy belated Birthday to Kent Cairy who says he was 65 on 9/7. Lion Rich Montgomery said we've had 542 views our Facebook page, and are reaching many more with this element of communication.  Thanks to Lion's Richard, Liz Moshure and Stacie Dixon for helping with publicity.


Old / New Business:         

  • Eye Care Report: Vision Chairman Terry Anderson says we received a new Visual Reader which was donated to us by the Sr. Resource Center and we had received a request so it has already been loaned out. Be sure to thank the Sr. Center when you see them as this had a value of approximately $2,100.00.
  • Used Eyeglasses Report:  We received letter from Lions of IL Foundation thanking us for our collection and donation of 605 pair of eyeglasses and 2 hearing aids.  Thanks to all Lions who have collected and turned your glasses in to Lion Joe Serafini.  He collects, discards cases, counts and turns them in at Zone or District Meetings.
    Used eyeglass collection boxes can be found at the following locations: Eastrich Printing on W. Galena Av; YMCA on W. Pearl City Rd; FHN Burchard Hills Clinic on Fairway Dr; FHN Doctors’ Offices on W. Stephenson St; Northwest Eye Care on Kiwanis Dr; Shopko on W. South St; Midwest Community Bank on S. West Av; Dr. Isawi's Office on W. Stephenson St; St. Thomas Aquinas Church on Kiwanis Dr; Lutheran Social Services on Hance Dr.; Senior Resource Center on E. Stephenson St; Tormohlen's Good People Automotive on Ihm Blvd; Presence St. Joseph Center on E. Jefferson St. An Eyeglass Recycling Party was scheduled for 9/26 at Lions of IL Foundation in Sycamore IL.
  • Cheese Sales Report: Lion Dennis Zimmerman says preliminary final report shows us netting $1,222.40.  There could still be an adjustment once we get some additional information from “Say Cheese" Chairperson, Darla Van Buskirk.
  • District Candy Day Jamboree:  Was held on 8/29 in Leaf River with Lions Terry Anderson, Andi Skinner, Sandy Janicke, Bert Kersten, Dennis Zimmerman and Joe Serafini attending.  Thanks to Lion Sandy for securing a nice Wine/Cheese basket for a door prize, and Lion Joe for wearing the Lions costume for people who sought a photo. 
  • Club Candy Day Scheduled for 10/09 and 10/10 - Lion Terry Anderson gave a brief presentation about Candy Day and passed around two sign-up sheets. They also passed around signup sheet at the 9/22/15 meeting. 

  • Cub Food Brat Stand Fundraiser 10/23-24: Lion Paul Rampenthal passed around the sign-up sheet.  Members were advised to wear a hat/baseball cap otherwise a hair net should be worn as required by law. Members looked forward to mild weather and a lot of good customers with big appetites! 

  • Rose Day Scheduled for 10/31: Rose Day chairperson, Lion Joe Serafini, asked members to sell tickets and be sure to turn in your tickets and money at each meeting. Our publicity ad appeared in the Journal-Standard newspaper on 9/20, 9/23 and 9/27. Lion Joe said thanks to those who turned in sales tickets/money on time allowing him to log individual sales and pre-route the tickets for delivery. He also asked for volunteer delivery route drivers. The more drivers we have, the shorter the routes. Selling is one part but delivery is always the final chapter. Joe encouraged members to write a good ending to this year’s drive.  
  • Peace Poster Contest: Discussed the need for project chairperson and volunteers to judge the entries.  Club President, Bert Kersten, will chair. Thank you volunteer judges are Lions Pat Davis, Rick Eastman, Duane Smith, Roland Caruso and Jim Medendorp. Posters were to be turned in to Zone Chairman by 11/10 to qualify for the District contest. 

  • Zone Meeting 9/2: Lion Dennis Zimmerman gave a brief overview.  Lions Terry Anderson, Sandy Janicke, Dennis Zimmerman and Joe Serafini attended.  It was a great meeting. Members were encouraged to attend the next Zone Meeting on 11/4 in Orangeville.  

  • Senior Expo & Blood Drive 10/2 8:30-12:30: To be held at the Eagle’s Club, Lion Richard Montgomery says we planned to have a "Bag Toss" game, prizes, information table with rolls of Lion's mint candy, plus handouts for attendees. This is a good way to keep Lions involved with our seniors and maintain community awareness of our services. About 500 people were expected to attend the Expo.
    Lions Sandy Janicke and Linda Kersten volunteered at the 2015 Senior Expo "Bag Toss" Game
  • 80th Club Celebration Report: Club Charter Anniversary date = 4/7/1936 to 4/7/2016: A committee of Brian Burke, Andy Skinner, Bert Kersten are looking for more members to help get some ideas for this celebration. Let them know if you have an interest. 

  • $500.00 Donation Accepted:  We received a generous memorial gift from Betty Tormohlen in memory of former longtime Lion, Paul Tormohlen. The club sent her a special thank you letter, and will also remembered her with a dozen roses for Rose Day.  Thank you, Betty. 

  • Children's Hands on Museum of NW IL:  There is a group of people working on bringing this project to Freeport.  It is something we as Lion's should consider helping through volunteer hours and also financially.  More to follow.        
  • Winneshiek Players "Raise the Roof Fundraiser:  Lion Roland Caruso says this is the oldest amateur theatre in the United States.  They are raising money for a new roof - is this something our club should provide some $ help? Individually and as a club? Think about it?
  • At Large Member Drop:  We received a request from Jack Grigsby asking to be dropped from the club.  Lion Joe Serafini had spoken to Jack, a longtime member, and as we respect his request, we regretfully accepted.  Note, he wishes to continue to help with projects, i.e. selling & delivering roses, Candy Day, etc.   

  • Tail Twister:  A total of $40 was raised for our administrative account. On 9/8 Lion Roland Caruso quizzed us on names and nicknames.  What was John Adams wife's name?  Abigail.  Who was the golfer known as the black knight?  Gary Player. The Squire?  Gene Saracen. Most popular boys name?  Noah Girls names? Emma, Olivia and Sophia. On 9/22 Lion Caruso quizzed us on current events/candidates for President/home states, such as Where is Donald Trump from?  New York.  Nice job Lion Roland in keeping us "educated". Thanks Lion Roland for developing these quizzes to keep the Lions’ minds sharp! 

  • 50/50 Raffle Drawing: A total of $40 was raised for our administrative account. Lion Brian Burke conducted the raffle on 9/8. Winner of $21.00 was Lion Liz Moshure. On 9/22 Lion Andy Skinner conducted the raffle with $19.00 going to winner Paul Rampenthal. Thanks Lions Brian and Andy. Congratulations on your good fortune, Lions Liz and Paul.


Thanks to Lion's Paul Rampenthal, Dennis Zimmerman and Joe Serafini for recording this month's meeting minutes.


Think Membership – ASK 1 - It’s up to us to invite a guest to visit
Our club and consider becoming a Lion!




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August 2015 Business

Welcome Lions Dave Marcum and Rose Ann Kennedy who visited our club on August 11th from Cedarville Lions Club and are considering transferring to our club.

Club Communications:

Internal News - Congratulations to Lion Dennis (Mary Jane) Zimmerman who celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary on 8/11/15. Congratulations to Lion Brian (Jennifer) Burke who welcomed new baby, Brady Thomas Burke, 20 pounds 8 ounces, on 8/9.  Lion Pat Davis said St. Mary's Church will celebrate International Food Day "Mary Fest" on Sunday 8/16.  Lion Roland Caruso said he held a 30th birthday party for his son Andrew this past weekend, and it was a joyous occasion as witnessed by all the "trash" left to pick up afterwards.  Happy 38th Wedding Anniversary to Lion Joe (Nancy) Serafini on 8/27.
External  News - The club received a plaque from the Freeport Community School Fund, and a thank you letter from the United Way for our separate donations. 
Eyeglass Collection Box Locations:
Eastrich Printing / W Galena Av
St. Thomas Aquinas Church / Kiwanis Dr
FHN Burchard Hills Clinic / W Fairway Dr
YMCA / W Pearl City Rd
Northwest Eye Care / Kiwanis Dr
FHN Doctors Bldg / W Stephenson St
Midwest Community Bank / S West Av
Shopko / E South St
Dr. Isawi's Office / W Stephenson St
Prairie Ridge / S Hance Dr.
Presence St. Joseph Center / E Jefferson St.
Sr. Resource Center / E Stephenson St
Good People Automotive / S Ihm Blvd

Candy Day Jamboree:  Lions Anderson, Skinner, Janicke, Kersten, Zimmerman and Serafini attended the 2015 Candy Day Kickoff  on 8/29 at the Leaf River Lions Club. Our blub donated a door prize.    

"Say Cheese" Cheese Fundraiser: Chairperson, Lion Darla Van Buskirk, said final report (from June deliveries) to follow. (SEE AUG 25 MINUTES).

Candy Day Co-chairs this year are Lions Andy Skinner and Terry Anderson. The date for donation collections was set for October 9th and 10th.
Brat Stand Chairperson, Paul Rampenthal advised Lions to  mark their calendars October 23rd and 24th to help serve the public at the Cub Foods Brat Stand. 

Rose Day Chairperson, Joe Serafini, said our club would have free advertising with The Journal-Standard. The official kick was at the 8/25 meeting where members picked up the number of tickets they thought they could sell..

Humane Society Dog & Pony Car Show liaison, Lion Rick Eastman, said we raised $125.00, selling ice cold bottled water. The club donated our proceeds to the Humane Society as we did last year.  They were most grateful!  Thanks to RAMP for donating 3 cases of water, and Lion Rick who donated 2 cases himself. Thanks to all Lions volunteers who gave up their time to help with this event.

All Service Club Luncheon liaison, Lion Rebecca Shriver said this event will only continue of each community service club will chair it when their time in the rotation comes up (every 4th year as of now).  Members discussed our participation, and determined that, for now, we are not interested in chairing the event.  She will report back and keep our club posted.

Tail Twister: Lion Roland Caruso quizzed us on about history and past presidents.  Q: Who is on a $2.00 bill? A: Thomas Jefferson; Lion Andy just happened to have one with him. Q: What was George Washington's occupation before he became president?  A: Surveyor.  History at its best!  Thanks Lion Roland - you collected $16.00 for our administration account. 

50/50 Drawing: Lion Rick Eastman conducted Winner of $18.00, was Lion Joe Serafini, who donated it back to the club.  An additional $18.00 was raised for our admin. account).  Thanks Lions Joe and Rick for your efforts!

Aug. 25, 2015 - Meeting Minutes - FREEPORT LIONS CLUB


  1. "e-Patch from LIF": we received a patch from Lions International Foundation recognizing our website work and our club for being web savvy. Special thanks to our publicity guru, Lion Rich Montgomery, who maintains our club’s web presence.
  2. "Say Cheese" Sales Report: Lion Dennis Zimmerman received the bill from the Cheese Store and they show we owe 60% and we netted 40%.  Bill was for $1,731.60 and motion to pay was made by Roland Caruso, 2nd by Pat Davis, motion carried.  As we make plans for 2016, we can get any % split in writing and decide if this is a project we want to continue doing. Final net report to follow.
  3. Cub Food Brat Stand 10/23-24: Lion Paul Rampenthal says mark your calendars.
  4. Rose Day 10/31:  Lion Joe Serafini plans to pass out lists/tickets at regular meeting.  See those notes.
  5. Membership/Club Survey Committee: Lion Rebecca Shriver and her committee presented a summary of the questions along with a "Recurrent theme" list.  There were some great suggestions and we'll be looking at implementing some in near future.
  6. Eye Care Report: Vision Chairman Terry Anderson says nothing to report. 
  7. District 1D Golf Outing - 8/13:  We had two teams attend.  Golfers were Lions Andy Skinner, Nick Wells, Stacie Dixon, Rich Montgomery, Pat Davis, Roland Caruso, Nelson Julius and Joe Serafini. Everyone had a great time and the weather was beautiful.
  8. Hearing Aid Report: Chair Rebecca Shriver says she is working with the Quota Club as they are looking to expand and possible use our resources. More to follow..
  9. Back-to-School Back Pack Celebration 8/22 9:00A.M.: Lion Richard Montgomery says we did a good job and he has a photo of helpers and an article he plans to try and get into the press locally and for our Dist. 1D Newsletter.
  10. Candy Day Jamboree 8/29: We have 6 Lions planning to attend - more to follow.
  11. Candy Day 10/9-10:  Lion Terry Anderson will chair and Andy Skinner noted we have had many conflicts but appears this date will work.  Final report/date to follow at next meeting.
  12. 80th Club Celebration April/7/2016:  We need to get a committee to discuss ideas on how to celebrate this milestone.
  13. Monetary Requests:
    1. Stephenson County Sr. Center Expo 10/2:  Lion Richard Montgomery says we can do a bronze sponsor at cost of $250.00.  Motion by Randy Hornung  and 2nd by Richard Montgomery to donate $250.00.  Also, it was suggested we have a bean bag toss game there with cost to play going to Candy Day proceeds in that we'd hand out Candy as  a prize.   More to follow.
    2. Univ. of IL Extension request for "Keeper of the Land": which is an event for all 2rd Graders in Freeport to attend at Oakdale Nature Center .  We have supported this worthwhile project in the past.  Motion to give $100.00, by Pat Davis, 2nd by Rebecca Shriver, motion carried.
  14. LIF Endowment Fund: We received notice of the passing of Lion Ambassador Earl Delp, PDG from Mt. Carroll.  Board noted we would pass on sending a donation.
  15. Recycling Eyeglass Party: 9/26 at Lions of IL Foundation in Sycamore.  We will give our glasses collected to a trustee at the Candy Day Jamboree.  
Additional items discussed:
A.  e-Club Patch from LIF:  we did pass the letter and the patch around for all to see.  Thanks to Lion Richard Montgomery who has been the mainstay of this program.  Sounds like Lions Stacie Dixon and Liz Moshure will be helping, especially when Lion Richard hibernates in Florida this winter.
B.   Guest Speaker Sign-up:  September - Roland Caruso; October - Terry Anderson; November - Sandy Janicke - Thanks for signing up to identify and have a speaker for those meetings.
C.  Rose Day delivery 10/31: Lion Joe Serafini kicked off the "selling of tickets" by handing all Lions present their 2015 tickets and if you sold any last year, he provided a list of you buyers.  SELL!  SELL! SELL!  This is our clubs largest fundraiser.  Cost is still $18.00.  As you sell tickets, do turn in your money to Lion Joe at each meeting so he can log your sales and pre-route the tickets.  Print names/addresses clearly - get phone numbers if possible and be sure to include the town and if out of town, the directions on the back of the ticket.  If you need more tickets, see or contact Lion Joe.
D. Club History: Lion Terry Anderson presented folders to all Lions which had our Counter Mint locations and Mint Summary Report for 2010 through 2014.   Diabetes Awareness report from this past April.  Candy Day Report from Oct. 2014; and the application for individuals to compete when seeking eye care assistance.  A lot of history!  Thanks Lion Terry.  
Tail Twister:  Lion Roland Caruso in keeping with history/geography, had many questions on states and state capitals. We did quite well which cost him as he would put in a $1.00 bill for each right answer and if you didn't know it, you put in the $1. CA? Sacramento; New Jersey? Trenton; KS? Topeka..............nice job Lion Roland in keeping us "educated".  You collected $18.00 for our admin. account.
50/50 raffle: Lions Andy Skinner and Nick Wells conducted $18.00 winner was Liz Moshure & $19.00 goes to our admin. account.
Program:   None
Up-Coming Dates (mark your calendar):   
Aug. 29 - Candy Day Jamboree - Leaf River
Sept. 2 - 1D Zone Meeting - Pecatonica
Sept. 08 - 6:00 Regular Meeting
Sept. 22 - :30PM Board Meeting – Eagle’s Club
Sept. 22 - 6:30PM Regular Meeting - Eagle's Club
Oct. 9-10 - Candy Day
Oct. 23-24  Cub Food Brat Stand
Oct. 31 - Rose Day Deliveries
Nov. 4 - 1D Zone Meeting - Orangeville                 
Think Membership – ASK 1 - It’s up to us to invite a guest to visit
Our club and consider becoming a Lion!


  Online sites: 

 Face book:              



Saturday, November 28, 2015


Fellow Lions,
I presented the (2015 Final Rose Day) report at our board and regular meeting on 11/24/2015.
We sold 624 dozen which is our highest sold year since 2002 and our highest net.  Congratulations to everyone who helped make this a huge success. There are many to thank but we must single out Lion Terry Anderson who sold 220 dozen all by himself and then delivered 88 dozen (with help from wife Cheryl Anderson).  Thanks Lion Terry & Cheryl!
Eastrich Printing, The Journal-Standard, Event Floral (Deb Quillen, Loves Park IL); every Lion who sold tickets, those who volunteered to deliver or be a runner; Gordy Tormohlen for use of Good People Automotive facilities & free coffee; Lions Dennis Zimmerman, Terry Anderson, Roland Caruso and Bert Kersten for helping count and sort the roses for each route from 5:40A.M. to 7:15 AM for each driver.   

Now we can look to smashing this record in 2016!  I'm looking for a co-chairman to help - if you have an interest, let me know.  We start kicking this off around June 1st.

Lion Joe Serafini
2015 Rose Day Chairman

Saturday, November 14, 2015


FREEPORT LIONS can donate a little less up front for their District 1D lottery tickets and still have the same chance to win their money back in 2016 as they did last year by purchasing a calendar.

Lions who attended the November 4, 2015, Northwest Central Zone Meeting Lions were told that they now have the option of buying District 1D lottery tickets versus buying the traditional District calendars.

For the lower cost of a $20 numbered ticket compared to a $25 calendar, Lions can still get the same chance to win on the Pick-3 Lottery every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Both the $20 numbered tickets and $25 calendars will be available for purchase at the Freeport Lions Club’s 11/24/15 meeting through Club Secretary, Lion Joe Serafini.