GUESTS ALWAYS WELCOME - On October 22nd Lion Terry Anderson introduced his guest, Liz Boyer, Information & Resource Specialist with RAMP (Regional Access & Mobilization Project), who joined us for the October 22 dinner meeting just to see and hear what our club does in the community and around the globe. We welcomed Liz, hope she considers joining our club, and give her an application that we hope she returns.
Joe Serafini reported that he, along with Char Goode, Vision Impaired/Mobility
& Orientation Teacher, took a Lincoln-Douglas School 3rd grader to Rockford
for an eye exam on 11/8 to a low-vision screening from the Center for Sight
& Hearing in Rockford IL. The program is supported by the Lions of Illinois
Foundation (LIF). It was thrilling to see our good work come to fruition as
this young girl received a free screening, immediate equipment such as a monocular
and a lighted magnifier, and get new eyeglasses all within 30 days. It was
Lionism in action, and we should all be proud! The student will now receive
glasses and also received vision assisting devices. Many thanks Lion Joe for
your concern and effort. If you know someone whose quality of life could benefit from vision or hearing devices, but whose financial situation severely restricts obtaining one, please contact one of our members as shown in the margin of this blog.
– The Club received a “thank you” letter from Lions Illinois Foundation
Executive Director, Van C. Stone, thanking us for our recent donation of 520
pair of eyeglasses. These glasses are donated by people throughout our
community. Donation drop boxes are located in strategic public gathering places
such as clinics, banks, nursing homes, etc. Used hearing aids are also
FULFILLED - Lion Terry Anderson says our Club paid around 50% of the total
cost, and the Quota Club also paid ½ of the total cost of a hearing aid for an
anonymous recipient. If you know someone whose quality of life could benefit from vision or hearing devices, but whose financial situation severely restricts obtaining one, please contact one of our members as shown in the margin of this blog.
ROSE DAY Chairman,
Lion Joe Serafini, reports that at this writing Rose Day sales were slightly better
than last year. He will offer a detailed report in the near future. Thanks to
all good salesmen and saleswomen and also to our drivers who rose early on
October 26"' and devoted hours to drive the miles and make the delivery of
all our roses. The roses were beautiful as usual.
Chairman, Terry Anderson reported a record collection for our October 4th and
5th Candy Days. The club, with the help of the thirteen Freeport High School
Student Council student volunteers, collected over $2000. Sixty per cent of the total
will be sent to the Lions of Illinois Foundation with the remainder staying
with our club for our local projects. Thanks to all who worked, especially our
student helpers, and, of course, to Lion Terry for all his effort. He gets a
gold star on his report card.
Rick Eastman reported that the “Cruizin’ For a Cause” event committee has
worked out many details for a car show. They received an event application and
completed the necessary paperwork. Union Dairy sponsors paid for the
application. Plans are for a Saturday,
May 10th date with a $10 registration fee. Tickets for the event’s
50/50 drawing should go on sale around January 1, 2014. District Governor, Fred Peska,
said he would like to have Leader Dog Program puppies as an event display. The
show should not require a very large work force. Rick will keep us all informed.
think I'm going to Katmandu, that's really, really where I'm going to. If
I ever get out of here, that's what I'm gonna do.”
-- Bob Seger,
![]() |
Kathmandu Lions stand under framework where a new temple roof is ready to be installed.
HERE… - Lion Richard Montgomery forwarded an e-mail message with many
photos that he received on the internet from Sunit Shrestha, and members of our
twin Lions Club in Kathmandu, Nepal. The message told of the many good things
the Kathmandu-Gliese Lions Club has done recently. They built a roof for a
temple, continued construction on the floor and painted the wall.
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Picture of completed new roof |
SCHEDULED - The sign-up sheet for the February 22nd ICE HOGS game was again
passed. Tickets are fifteen dollars of which five dollars will go to District
1-D. President Paul Rampenthal says to sign up if you interested in tickets. He
needs to let Past District Governor, Paul Lindstrom, know our numbers by November
1st. It'll be fun, just like last year.
will again ring the bell for the Salvation Army red kettle. This year it will
be December 7th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Sullivan's Market. The
Shopko was bell-ringing opportunity was already taken by another group. A
sign-up sheet will be passed around at the 11/26 meeting.
- We received a letter thanking us for our participation from the Freeport
Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. Thanks Lions Rich Montgomery and Troy Pettis
for setting up our table that day and answering questions for the public. The
Rehab Center asked for any suggestions for next year, and also if we plan to
participate. The Board discussed the matter and will reply to their inquiry,
but will hold off committing resources to a 2014 event until a later time.
More to follow at later date. A Zone Meeting is scheduled for 11/11 in
Forreston. Freeport Lion, Darla VanBuskirk, will be there as Zone Chairman. Freeport
Lions Brian Burke, Troy Pettis, Terry Anderson, and Paul Rampenthal also plan to
Did you hear that they have dumb blonde "guy"
jokes now?“A blonde guy shouts frantically into the phone, "My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!"
"Is this her first child?' asks the Doctor.
“No!" he shouts, "This is her husband!"
* "Some never learn to relax - others never learn
anything else.” - Arnold H. Glasow
* “It doesn't require the Darwinian Theory - men make
monkeys of themselves.” - Arnold H. Glasow
* A good nun once said, "Before you speak consider
three things. Is it true, is it kind and is it necessary?"
Online sites: (click link on or copy into browser window)
11/11 - Zone Meeting @ Forreston 7PM
11/12 - 6:00PM Regular Meeting
11/26 - 5:30PM Board Meeting11/26 - 6:30PM Regular Meeting
12/7 - Salvation Army Bell Ringing
12/9 - All Service Club Luncheon
12/10 - Holiday Christmas Party
01/01/14 - HAPPY NEW YEAR
Invite a guest to a Lion's dinner meeting.
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