June 11 was a bright, sunny day for our Annual Golf Outing, (grill your own) Steak Fry, and first monthly meeting . The weather was good for golf, and three
teams competed in the best ball match. Lion Steve Kryder brought a guest, Chuck Swearingen, for a great afternoon of golf. Chuck was riding shotgun to also help keep Steve awake as they drive back Wisconsin. The team of Kryder, Swearingen,
Rampenthal and Serafini took honors with a score of 67 for 18 holes. Not bad at
all. Lion Serafini said Lion Kryder had the longest drive of the day,
"all the way from Kenosha, Wisconsin." Official results on the par 72 Park Hills East Golf Course were as follows:
- 67 – Steve Kryder, Chuck Swearingen, Paul Rampenthal& Joe Serafini
- 69 – Roland Caruso, Pat Davis, Nelson Julius & Jack Grigsby
- 72 - Rick Eastman, Paul Tormohlen, Leo Bonin & Terry Anderson
The steaks and meals were
excellent, as always, although the “cooks” sometimes get their steaks a little overdone
because they don't always pay attention when socializing. We were pleased to
have guests from the Lena Lions Club, Virgil and Susan Gordon, and Gary Meyers join us for the dinner
and meeting. We very much enjoyed their visit.
Lion Zone Chairman Gary Meyers thanked us for our past support. He looks forward to his new role as 2nd Vice District Governor. Lion Darla VanBuskirk is stepping into his prior Zone Chair role.
6/11/13 Communications/Announcements
Birthdays - Lion Terry Anderson 70 on 7/2; Lion Brian Burke 6/7 (not quite half way to 70), and Richard Montgomery 66 on 6/13 - Happy Birthday to all! Lion Terry (Cheryl) Anderson will celebrate their 42nd Anniversary 6/19 - congratulations to you both! Lion Terry (Cheryl) Anderson' Lion Joe. Serafini announced he will be retiring from his insurance job as of 6/14.
United Way sent us a "thank you" for our recent $100 donation.
Officer Training - 6/6 Winnebago - Lions Zimmerman Anderson & Serafini attended. On 6/7 Dixon – Lions Rampenthal & Van Buskirk planned to attend. Stockton was cancelled by a rainstorm 6/12.
Freeport High School sent us a "thank you" for our scholarship award. Lion Montgomery sent an article/picture to Journal-Standard. It was seen in both on-line and print formats.
Lions Anderson and Burke received our new royal blue polo shirts with the Lions logo that they had ordered for us. All members who bought shirts should receive them shirts soon. Thank you Lions Anderson and Burke for trying to make our club image look a little sharper. We look better and YOUNGER every day!
Twinning with Nepal Lions Club - We should be receiving a letter from International Lions along with a patch recognizing our club. Thanks to Lions Anderson and Montgomery for all their hard work. Also, we still plan to send them a care package with items from Freeport, i.e. Mrs. Mike's, Pretzels, t-shirt, Pretzel Christmas ornament, etc. Any other ideas, let Lion Richard & Terry know and we'll start to get it all together.
Cheese Fundraiser - Lion Darla Van Buskirk said today 6/11 was last day to turn in all sales sheets. Orders were to be available for delivery the weekend of Friday, 6/22, through Monday, 6/24
Diabetic Retinopathy-Macular Degeneration Screening - Lions Troy Pettis & Serafini were working on location and date for September. Possibly Liberty Village in the morning.
Treasurer's Annual Audit should be completed by or before August 1.
6/11/13 Tail Twister -Lion Roland Caruso teased us with some U.S. Presidents middle names. Herbert (Clark) Hoover; William (Howard) Taft; Chester (Allen) Arthur. Nice job Roland in your last official role as Tail Twister and you collected $28.00 for our Admin. Account.
6/11/13 50/50 Raffle - Lion Rick Eastman sold tickets - $21.00 raffle winner was Lion Zone Chairman Gary Meyers (Lena) who then donated the money back to our club! Thank you ZC Gary! $42.00 total goes to our Admin. Account. Nice job, Lion Rick!
NOTE: Remember, Raffle"& Tail-Twister funds raised go to our Administrative account to help offset our postage, supplies, added meal costs for attending Zone Meetings, etc. - Thanks to all Lions for contributing and helping!
On June 25th at 6PM we held
our 2013 installation of officers and guest night. Twenty-eight Lions and guests
were in attendance for a meal of chicken breast and, or, roast beef with cheese
cake for desert. The tables were attractively decorated with pots of petunias
and many stuffed toy Lions. Following the meal, District Governor-elect Fred
Peska, assisted by his wife Lion Karen Peska, conducted the installation of
officers, presenting each officer with a cardboard letter. When the letters
were properly arranged (the officers had to also be properly arranged of course)
you could spell "CHANGING LIVES" which Lions can do when they help
6/25/13 Communications/Announcements - Birthdays - Lion Rick Eastman on 6/29; Lion Kevin Grande on 6/30; Lion Paul Rampenthal 6/7, and wife Kim on 6/27. HAPPY BIRTIIDAY TO ALL!
Lion Secretary Joe Serafini presented 100% Attendance
Awards to a large number of Lions which is a good sign for any club. 100% Attendance pins were awarded to: Brian Burke, Roland Caruso, Rick Eastman, Kevin Grande, Richard Montgomery, Troy Pettis, Paul Rampenthal, Rebecca Shriver, Duane Smith, Dave Snyders, Paul Tormohlen, Dennis Zimmerman, Terry Anderson, and Joe Serafini. Great commitment by all.
Lion Karen Peska won our raffle at the end of the evening
and donated the $29 to the Leader Dog Program.
The pots of petunias on the tables were presented to the
women in attendance who could find certain items in their purse.
CHEESE SALES UPDATE- Lion Darla, Cheese Sale Chairman, reported at
our installation meeting that our cheese sale was most successful. Sales were
more than double that of last year. She will have more details at the next
meeting. Lion Darla Van Buskirk says we doubled our net – LION DARLA SOLD OVER $1,000 BY HERSELF! A nice fundraising job done by all. Many thanks to Lion Darla for all her work in organizing the sales.
Things went very smoothly and The Cheese Market did a great job for their part.
Each sale was ready in its own individual insulated bag. Thanks to all the good
Lion sales persons as well.

6/25/13 50/50 Raffle: Lion Rick Eastman conducted - $29.00 was won by Lion Sharon Peska who stated she would donate to Leader Dog program. $28.00 went to our Treasurer for our admin. account'
6/25/13 Tail Twister - Lion Roland Caruso took the night off. You've done an outstanding job this past year, thank you!

Lion Paul Rampenthal, our 2013 - 2014 President,
was born in Freeport but grew up in Lena, Illinois, and attended Lena schools.
Upon graduating from Lena-Winslow High School in 1975 he attended Morrison
Institute of Technology (the M.l.T. of the Midwest) in Morrison, Illinois.
After graduating from Morrison he began working for the Stephenson County
Highway Department as a technician. Now, after 35 years with Stephenson County
he serves as Assistant County Engineer.
Lion Paul has one son, Matt, who is
currently in the U. S. Air Force stationed in Japan. For fun, Lion Paul enjoys
running and biking. You might think he takes his fun activities seriously as he
has run the Boston Marathon and the Chicago Marathon twice. He has also biked
across Iowa in the well-known "Ragbrai'. Lion Paul and wife Kim are
recently married and now enjoy biking together. We wish them many years to
explore many trails together.
Lion Paul has been a very active Lion and this
month is starting his second term as Club President. We hope all club members
will pitch in this year to help President Paul in any way we can.
Mark Your Calendar
Jul 09 - 6:00PM Regular Meeting
Jul 23 - 5:30PM Board Meeting
Jul 23 - 6:30PM Regular Meeting
Aug 08 - District 1-D Golf Outing - Wolf Hollow
Aug 13 - 6:00PM Regular Meeting
Aug 26 - Candy Day Jamboree - Mt. Morris
Aug 27 - 5:30PM Board Meeting
Aug 27 - 6:30PM Regular Meeting
Sep 13-14 - Cub Foods Brat Stand Volunteers
Sept 17 - Diabetic Retinopathy/Macular Degeneration
Screening – Volunteers see Troy Pettis
Oct 26 - Rose Day - Volunteers
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