To all Freeport Lions & our dignitaries:
Attached find our Newsletter/minutes from Tuesday's meeting's. The Board was quite busy with requests and there was a lot on our agenda.
Zone Meeting is 1/30 - Forreston, and we have eight members planning to attend. Great turnout!
Reaching out for Chairman and Co-Chairman for Diabetes Awareness - mid April for our club.
May 6 is our 4th Annual "Cruisin' for a Cause" Car Show - Flyers/posters are ready and committee will meet week of 2/6. 50/50 Raffle (sales) net will go towards (District) Governor Pam Graney's project: : "Eversight" https://district1dlions.org/
Need your support for LIF (Lions of IL Foundation) & District 1D:
- LIF - Sight & Sound Tickets are here, see Lion Dave Snyders to get your tickets ($10.00 for book of 4 tickets or $4.00 for individual tickets.
- District 1D "Twenty for Plenty" Raffle tickets - $20.00 for a ticket, gets you a number for 156 chances to win plus additional drawing at District & State Meetings. See Lion Joe Serafini - tickets numbers left to select for winner: 713; 714; 716; 719; 720; 721; 723; and 725.
Lion Joe Serafini
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