Jan. 26, 2016
Lion Joe Serafini, Club Secretary
A. 2015 Eye Care Report: Lion Terry
Anderson provided a detailed report. Our club bought 14 pairs of eyeglasses for people in our community at a cost
of $1,000.69. Five school-age children in our community also received free eyeglasses through the Shopko Student vouchers program. Congratulations to all Lions and special thanks to Lion Terry for their hard work to make community service program
this a continuing success.
B. 2015 Mint
Collection Report: Lion Terry
Anderson says we collected a net of $2,166.99
which is a slight increase over 2014, but this was our first full year at 50 cents a roll. Thanks to Lion Terry and
Lion Dennis Zimmerman who fills in for him when he is out of town. There is a lot of time and work to visit all
locations (over 80), refill trays, collect, count and deposit our donations.
C. "Cruisin for a Cause" 2nd Annual Car Show
- May 14: Chair Lion Rick Eastman
says he'll have more information at the February 23 board meeting. 50/50 raffle tickets have been
printed by Eastrich Printing. There was a motion by Lion Joe Serafini
to pay 3D Sound an additional $125.00 to count votes, 2nd by Lion Roland Caruso,
motion carried.
D. Ice Hogs
Game March 5: Lion Paul Rampenthal needed
attendee money to be turned in by 2/1/16.
E. Camp Lions 2016: A motion
to sponsor a camper to Camp Lions for $525 cost was made by Lion Roland Caruso and was seconded by Lion Dennis Zimmerman. Motion carried. Check to see if we have a camper from
Freeport. See Camp Lions Facebook:
F. Membership Committee: No report
G. Publicity Committee: No report
H. Dist. 1D Fundraiser - "Twenty for Plenty" Tickets: A motion was made by Lion Rebecca Shriver to purchase five $20 tickets ($100.00 total) to support the District, 2nd by Lion Roland Caruso. Motion carried. It just so happened that one of our club's numbers was
drawn 12/21/15, and we just received our $50.00, check which was presented to
our treasurer at this meeting.
Past winners include: Lions Roland Caruso & Liz Boyer in 2014; Lions Terry Anderson, Dennis Zimmerman, and our Club in 2014; Lions Steve Kryder and Dennis Zimmerman in 2012; Lions Steve Kryder, Dennis Zimmerman twice, and our Club in 2011; and Lion Dennis Zimmerman and our Club in 2010.
I. Name Tags: Are a great ice breaker at meetings. JUST REMEMBER IF YOU HAVE A PACEMAKER, DO NOT USE THE MAGNETIC NAME TAGS.
J. Dist. 1D
Convention Ad for 2016: will discuss at next meeting (last year we did purchase
a half page ad for $50.00). in 2010.
K. Scholarship Applications for 2016-2017: Lion Terry Anderson says they have been placed at FHS,
Aquin HS, Boys & Girls Club and Highland Community College with counselors.
Deadline for submission April 8.
L. Zone Meeting 2/29: will be hosted by Durand Lions Club @Durand State
Bank, 7PM $12.00 per person. If you have
an interest in attending , let Club President Bert Kersten know by next meeting 2/9 so we can
M. Dist. 1D Convention 4/1-2: mark your calendars - more to follow
O. Sight & Sound Tickets 2016: are coming
P. Northwest Illinois Trails Foundation: We need one or
more Lions to attend an up-coming meeting to see what our club can do to help
develop Tutty's Crossing and the trail itself.
Q. Thank You Notes & Memorials
- Lions of Illinois Foundation - for our recent donation of 540 pair of eyeglasses, 4 hearing aids and 6 cell phones.
- Lion District Governor Gary Meyers & Lion Marcia Meyers - for our hospitality during their visit to our Club at our 1/12 meeting
- Lion Lillian Osran - donation of $96 in memory of her late husband, Lion Ed Osran, who would have celebrated his 96th birthday on 1/26. We certainly miss Lion Ed. Thank You Lion Lil for your generosity!
- Eleanor Chance - donation of $75 in memory of her late husband Lion Bill Chance. We were happy that Eleanor was able to join us at our clubs Christmas Party. Thank you Eleanor for your generosity!
- Kirkland Lions Club nominated Lion Wayne Fruit for LIF Trustee for 2016-2018. Freeport Lions Club certainly supports him in his endeavor. Congratulations, Lion Wayne!
Next Board Meeting: 2/23/2016 5:30PM
@ Eagle’s Club