Our dinner meeting guest speaker for
our October 14, 2014, was Mr. Dan
Schmitt, Executive Director, Freeport Community Foundation, a not for profit,
tax exempt charitable organization that provides a mechanism for individuals,
businesses and charitable agencies to provide meaningful assistance to worthwhile
causes in Stephenson, Jo-Daviess, and Carroll Counties and the surrounding
communities. The Foundation acts much the same as our Lions Club, but on a
broader scale.
The Foundation was founded in 1975 by a group of dedicated
community leaders who wanted to establish a permanent source of funds where the
income generated could be used to support charitable organizations who address
the current issues facing people in need. It focuses on the advancement of
these communities and works to make Northwestern Illinois an outstanding place
to live not only today, but forever.
The Foundation is guided by a Board of Directors whose
mission is to stay connected and informed on current issues facing their
citizens and connecting people who care with causes that matter. The Foundation
awards grants to a variety of charitable organizations addressing needs in
health and human services, civic and community betterment, reform and
innovation in the schools, and advancement of the arts and literature. Grant
requests are reviewed/awarded in the spring and fall of each year.
Thanks to Lion Roland Caruso for arranging for members to
hear about this fine program from such a respected speaker,
ln their role as
stewards of charitable donations and funds, their volunteer Board of Directors
seeks to preserve and grow the assets by administering and investing their
funds. They work closely with their donors to make grants that will match their
philanthropic interests with community needs.
Some of the areas of interest for which Foundation funds
have been available in the past are: community needs, FACC (Freeport Area
Church Cooperative), RAMP (Regional Access & Mobilization Project), Substance
Abuse Treatment, Education and Prevention, Arts Scholarship, Youth Advisory
Council, Assault & Abuse Services of Stephenson County, Agriculture and
Land Conservation, United Way of Northwest Illinois, and NW Illinois/SW
Wisconsin Community Development.
The Foundation works with people to establish a charitable
giving plan that includes current gifts as well as deferred gifts. For more
information, contact the Freeport Community Foundation.
email: fcfdirector@freeportcommunityfoundation.org
phone: (815) 801-3035