Thank You Mr.
Bill Niles,
Lion Liz Boyer announced she is expecting
her 2nd child second week of July.
Congratulations Liz! Lion Brian Burke announced that over the
holidays he and girlfriend Jennifer
Wichman got engaged! No set date yet
but we're extremely happy for the both of them!
Lion Roland (Anita) Caruso
became proud grandparents for the 1st time on 12/19/13 when granddaughter, Julie Mae, was born. She
weighed 7 pounds and was 19 inches long, and everyone is doing great; congratulations! President Paul Rampenthal announced that he needed the money for the Ice Hogs Hockey
Game right away. The date is fast approaching.
We didn't win
any monetary awards during the Festival
of Trees at the Freeport Public Library, but we certainly had a
beautifully decorated tree, with mints, garland of used eyeglasses and many
stuffed lions hanging on several branches.
Thanks again to Lion Troy Pettis
who headed up this project, and to his elves Lions Terry Anderson and Rich
Montgomery who helped trim the tree.
Think forward to Christmas 2014 - How
can we top last year’s tree design as we decorate once again?
Our club received
several thank you letters including those from Leader Dogs for the Blind, a
Lions International Foundation memoriam, the Freeport Public School Fund,
Malcolm Eaton Industries, and an anonymous person who we helped to get a pair
of eyeglasses.
See Lion Joe Serafini
to purchase Dist. 1D 2014 Calendars.
They still cost $25 and have many chances to win on Mon-Wed-Sat Pick 3,
evening drawings.
Be sure to
check out IL State Magazine as
there is an article about our Club on pages 11 & 12 of the January, 2014, issue.
If any member
is interested in joining Rockton Lions 75th Anniversary in February, see
Lion Paul Rampenthal for
District 1D Governor
Fred Peska tells us in the District
1D Newsletter that we have 1791 members as of January
1, 2014 . From July 2013
to December 31, 2013 , we gained 68 new members but lost 79; 17 of those members have deceased. We can all see why we need to keep adding new members. The 1D News also tells us that a six inch cat fish may have more than a quarter of a million taste buds, not just in it's mouth and gills, but on it's whiskers; fins, back, belly,
sides and tail. You
can learn all sorts of neat things in. newsletters.
Educational Programs
At our 01/01/14 dinner meeting Lion Pat
Davis introduced special guest and former Lion Jeff Cowman. Jeff is not only a past member but also a past
president of the Freeport Lions. He
graduated in 1982 from Freeport H/S and later graduated from Highland Jr.
College. He started his own business of helping people
with their computers in
2007 after the company
he worked for was bought out.
He started teaching an A-plus certified computer class at Highland
College in 2013, and says it is very
Jeff talked to us about a
lot of malicious software, scam operations or people who want to "help" people with unnecessary services that are not needed. He warned to not click on (open) any pop-up links that appear
suddenly. If you need a software update, go to the original source. For personal computer security, one can rely
on Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows Defender or Malware Bytes. There are
other programs in the market, but Jeff recommends these three as effective, efficient security
software programs. Nice job, Jeff. Thanks Lion Pat for having Jeff visit our
Did you know that you can download FREE books to read
on your personal electronic device, iPod, Kindle, etc.? All you need is a
library card to get started. Most of you have visited our beautiful new
Freeport Public Library. Some
of us go there on a regular basis for reading, or listening, or viewing materials. The library is also used as a meeting
place for many local groups
and for their lecture series.
Some of us use the local history
room . Others use their computers or bring their children
for children's activities. All you need is a library card to get started. Library Director Carole Dickerson will
be our program speaker at our February 11th meeting
to update us about all they do to keep up with our
rapidly changing
Board News
At our January 28th board of directors meeting we received several
thank you notes for past help and considered a number
of new 

requests for assistance. The board granted the Senior Resource
Center $200, $100 for the LCIF Measles
Program and decided to buy two business
size ads in the District
Convention Booklet. They unanimously voted to again sponsor
a camper to Camp Lions next summer ($525), moved to have the club purchase
four District Calendars at $25
each, and moved to contribute $100 to the United Way 's upcoming dinner and fundraiser.

Our club’s Diabetes Awareness fund collection day will take place sometime after March 1st, organized by Lion Terry Anderson as he has many times.
His father and brother both suffered
from the disease. The
date of the Diabetes Awareness Day will be decided shortly.
Lion Dave Snyders will organize
this year's Sight and Sound Sweepstakes sale as he has many times before. Check with Lion
Dave for more tickets. He needs to turn tickets in by April 22 at the latest.
Lion Terry Anderson distributed
the annual Mint Collection Report detailing our grants to purchase eye glasses. Total collections for the candy mints displayed at over eighty places of business for 2013 was $4,157.86. This was nearly the same
as it has been for the last five years. The amount we bank varies however,
depending on club expenses. This year, expenses
were $1,414.57 which left a bank
balance for this effort of $2,743.29. Fifty-four people inquired about receiving glasses and 33
pair of glasses were granted in
2014 costing our club $1,585.47. All glasses
this year were purchased at ShopKo ($72.99 a pair) or Wal-Mart
($52.74 a pair). The board thanked Lion Terry for his report and for his work.
They praised
him for the time, effort,
gas, etc. that he gives to these worthwhile
The board also wishes
to thank Lion Rich Montgomery for continuing communication with Lion Sunit
Shrestha from our twin club in Kathmandu , Nepal , and forwarding the communications on to us. We hope Lion
Rich is also enjoying
basking in the warm Florida sunshine
and occasionally
thinking of his fellow Lions as we enjoy our beautiful
snow drifts, icicles and warm sweaters.
Lion Rich also publishes our club Blog and posts news and events to our
Facebook page. Lion Rich reports that he attended the February 13 Ybor City Lions Club in Tampa, Florida ,
as a guest of Lion Ernest “Cookie”
Garcia, Crews and Garcia Produce, a friend whom he and Andrea have known for many years.
Lion Rick Eastman and the Car
Show Committee did a lot of planning
and the "Crusin’ For A Cause" car show
is on schedule
for May
10, 2014 . Lion Rick (EastRich
Graphics) printed a great poster with all the details which you have probably seen. 50/50 raffle tickets are also available for us to sell. Check with Lion Rick if you have questions.
A special thank you to Lion Duane Smith for publishing the
printed version of “Lion Talk”, and to Lion Joe Serafini for “Meeting Minutes”
from which the Blog and Facebook pages get the majority of their information.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller
"The Hall of Fame is for baseball people. Heaven is for good people" Jim Dwyer
" Some cause
happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." - Oscar Wilde
"When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip it's point in honey." - Arab Proverb
Calendar Event Dates
2/11 - 6:00PM Regular Meeting
2/22 - ICE HOGS GAME - Rockford
2/25 - 5:30PM Board Meeting
2/25 - 6:30PM Regular Meeting
3/11 - 6:00PM Regular Meeting
3/25 - 5:30PM Board Meeting
3/25 - 6:30PM Regular Meeting
4/4-4/5 - Dist. 1D
Convention - Radisson Hotel, Rockford
5/10 - 1st Annual
Lions Car Show - "Cruisin For A Cause"
Think Membership – Invite a guest to dinner. Then ask them to become a Lion
Social Media
Bloggers Site: