Key Award for Lion Anderson
Terry Anderson (L), past president of the Freeport Lions
Club, received the Key Award for sponsoring at least 2 new members. A special
pin commemorating the award was presented to Lion Anderson by current club
president, Paul Rampanthal (R), during the club’s September 24, 2013, dinner meeting.
The Freeport Lions Club meets at a designated location on the 2nd
and 4th Tuesdays each month to discuss community projects that help vision- and hearing-impaired people of the community.
Lions Club was organized in 1936 to serve the sight and hearing needs of
the community. Lions furnish or subsidize eyeglasses and hearing devices
for school children and adults, provide free diabetic retinopathy screening,
furnish special aids for blind and visually impaired persons, and provide free
hearing tests. Freeport Lions contribute to The Center for Sight & Hearing,
Leader Dog School, Salvation Army, RAMP, Highland Community College
Scholarships, American Diabetes Association, United Way of Northwest Illinois,
Malcolm Eaton Industries, and others.
If interested in joining Freeport Lions Club, contact: Brian Burke (815)
238-6613, Rick Eastman (815) 233-56577, or Roland Caruso (815) 291-4253
for more information.